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Akio graduation 3
Akio graduation 6
Donavon speaking to boys
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DC 4
Kamiyah & Tahia
Jo and Hope_edited
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Group pic
Youth debate
George teaching 2
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5 Community activities in this large space

Committed to Our Youth

Saving Our Youth, VA is a 501c3 non-profit organization.


Saving Our Youth, VA is committed to helping the youth of Richmond and surrounding areas make informed decisions about what to do after high school.  Our College, Trade, Work (CTW) program aims to help our youth to identify their interests, supports their high school academics and arms them with information to determine next steps.  



The youth we serve are from vulnerable communities in the city of Richmond. We describe vulnerable as people in need of special care, support, or protection because of the circumstances of the community. In the 23222 community where most of our youth reside, it has an unemployment rate of 13%, compared to 5.4% citywide. In this area 45% of the youth live in homes below Richmond’s poverty threshold, while just 5 miles away fewer than 9% A child raised in this area is more likely to be raised in poverty, to live in a household where one or more adults is unemployed, and to attend a school where indicators show many students are lagging behind on literacy, attendance, and graduation.

​Student Spotlight












Katie recently graduated from our program after being with us for 3 years. Now working for a distribution center, Katie is ready to take on the world.

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Our Values

We make every decision in the best interest of each youth. We adapt our programs to accommodate their special needs.


We strive to achieve positive, lasting results by helping our youth develop skills to live successfully by focusing on areas that have a long-term impact.


We value teamwork and help staff achieve their potential through an atmosphere of open communication, learning and fun.


We measure our efforts by assessing our strengths and needs to identify areas for improvement. We believe that anything can be made better.


Our mission and values are more than just something to talk about. They guide all of our decisions. We believe that our integrity can only be measured by how we live by these values each day.



Empower the youth of Highland Park to be productive members of the community by teaching the benefits of education, positive relationships, career readiness

and community service


To be recognized as the standard in the City of Richmond for academic excellence, employment outcomes and family enrichment.


We are a proud partner of 6PIC - Six Points Innovation Center

© 2019 by Saving Our Youth

Call us:


Find us: 

3001 Meadowbridge Rd, Richmond, VA 23222

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